Hands reach out to us, today!
My hands…
Outstretched in invitation…
Have no hesitation,
“I will give you rest”
My hands…
Outstretched to receive…
Come, draw near, believe
“I will turn none away”
My hands…
Outstretched in pardon…
Offering to everyone
“I will your sins forgive”
My hands…
Outstretched in comfort
Oh, such a charming thought
“I will my peace bequeath”
My hands…
Outstretched in healing
Tenderness revealing
“I will make you whole”
My hands…
Outstretched in grace
Waiting to embrace
“I will hold you safe”
My hands…
Pierced by cruel nails
Love that never fails
“I will lead you home”
Alec Depledge
used with permission
Vain Search
On the futility of searching in the wrong place…
Searching…unsure why
inside longing
deep heart cry
Who am I ?Whence do I come ?
What’s my purpose ?
Time here – how long ?
Elusive answersimpossible to find
when looking in wrong places
groping, like one blind
Ignoring truth ‘revealed’it’s obvious to me
there are really none so blind
as those who will not see.
Alec Depledge
used with permission
see also: testimonies