Therefore, . . .
whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.
—1 Corinthians 10:31
A major US newspaper has called Christopher Parkening
“the leading guitar virtuoso of our day,
combining profound musical insight with complete technical mastery of
his instrument.”
There was a time, however, when Parkening gave up playing the guitar
At the height of his career as a classical guitarist, he retired at age
bought a ranch in Montana, and spent his days fly-fishing.
But early retirement did not bring him the satisfaction he had hoped
Then during a visit to California,
he was invited to a church where he heard a clear presentation of the
Of this he wrote: “That night I lay awake, broken over my sins. . . .
I had lived very selfishly and it had not made me happy. . . .
It was then that I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life, to be my
Lord and Savior.
For the first time, I remember telling Him,
‘Whatever You want me to do with my life, Lord, I’ll do it.’”
One of Parkening’s favorite verses is 1 Corinthians 10:31,
“Therefore, . . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
He has taken up the guitar again,
but this time with the motivation to glorify God.
Each of us has been given gifts;
and when we use them for God’s glory, they bring satisfaction and joy.
Our Daily Bread
The gifts we offer to the Lord
Are by His standards measured;
Our sacrifice and lives of praise—
Such gifts are highly treasured. —Sper
We were created to give God the glory.
Christopher Parkening - Fairest Lord Jesus
Christopher Parkening - website