B. About God's Values
The Parable of the Two Sons
What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said,
'Son, go and work today in the vineyard.' 'I will not,' he
answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father
went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered,
'I will, sir,' but he did not go. Which of the two did what his father
wanted? The first, they answered. Jesus said to them, I tell you the
truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom
of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of
righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and
the prostitutes did.
And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
Matthew 21:28-32
The Parable of the Tenants
Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who
planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and
built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and
went away on a journey. When the harvest time approached, he sent his
servants to the tenants to collect his fruit. The tenants seized his
servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. Then he
sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants
treated them in the same way. Last of all, he sent his son to them.
'They will respect my son,' he said. But when the tenants saw the son,
they said to each other, 'This is the heir. Come, let's kill him and
take his inheritance.' So they took him and threw him out of the
vineyard and killed him. Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard
comes, what will he do to those tenants? He will bring those
wretches to a wretched end, they replied, and he will rent the vineyard
to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest
Jesus said to them, Have you never read in the Scriptures:
'The stone the builders rejected
has become the capstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvellous in our eyes'?
Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from
you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on
this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be
crushed. When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus'
parables, they knew he was talking about them. They looked for a way to
arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held
that he was a prophet.
Matthew 21:33-46
The Unproductive Fig Tree
Then he told this parable: A man had a fig-tree, planted
in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find
any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three
years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig-tree and
haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?'
'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig round it and fertilise it.
If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.'
Luke 13:6-9
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying:
The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for
his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the
banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come. Then he
sent some more servants and said, 'Tell those who have been invited
that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been
slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding
banquet.' But they paid no attention and went off - one to his
field, another to his business. The rest seized his servants,
ill-treated them and killed them.
The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
Then he said to his servants, 'The wedding banquet is ready, but those
I invited did not deserve to come. Go to the street corners and
invite to the banquet anyone you find.' So the servants went out into
the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and
bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests. But when the king
came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing
wedding clothes. 'Friend,' he asked, 'how did you get in here without
wedding clothes?' The man was speechless. Then the king told the
attendants, 'Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the
darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' For
many are invited, but few are chosen.
Matthew 22:1-14
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle
accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who
owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him. Since he was not able
to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and
all that he had be sold to repay the debt. The servant fell on his
knees before him. 'Be patient with me,' he begged, 'and I will pay back
everything.' The servant's master took pity on him, cancelled the debt
and let him go. But when that servant went out, he found one of his
fellow-servants who owed him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him and
began to choke him. 'Pay back what you owe me!' he demanded. His
fellow-servant fell to his knees and begged him, 'Be patient with me,
and I will pay you back.' But he refused. Instead, he went off and had
the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other
servants saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed and went
and told their master everything that had happened. Then the master
called the servant in. 'You wicked servant,' he said, 'I cancelled all
that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had
mercy on your fellow- servant just as I had on you?' In anger his
master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should
pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat
each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.
Matthew 18:23-35
Taken from the Life Application Bible