Beyond the Clouds

I stare at the grey-rain sky.

The clouds have rolled in this week.

I feel it in my heart too--

little puffs of fear, worry, distraction.

But then I remember...

The sun is still there, just like always.

It's as real as ever.

It hasn't gone anywhere.

It's the same way with my heart.

Behind those emotions...

I am loved.

I have a purpose.

God is all and all is well.

That's as true as it has always been.

Always will be. 

Even more certain than the sun.

Holley Gerth

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

The Mind of God Toward You

There is never a time
when you're not in His thoughts,
never a time without grace,
never a time when He turns away
from any need you face.

There is never a time
when you're not in His heart,
never a time without love,
never a time when you're not blessed
with good things from above!

How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me,
O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them,
they are more in number than the sand: when I wake, I am still with Thee.
Psalm 139:17-18

Excerpt from the devotional gift book "Always Loved"
by Roy Lessin

Who is against you?

God is not against you.

Jesus is not against you.

The Holy Spirit is not against you.

The Angels are not against you.

The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, and The Angels are for you,
and they are greater than any foe that is against you.
It is God who has the final authority and the final say over everything that concerns you.

 If God is for us, who can ever be against us?
Romans 8:31

Roy Lessin

The Greatest News in the World

The greatest news in the world is not that God made the world
but that God loves the world. 
He loves you. 

You did not earn this love. 
His love for you will not end if you lose your temper. 
His love for you will not fade if you lose your way,
nor will His love diminish if your discipline does.

Someone told you that God loves good people.
There are no good people. 

Someone told you that God loves you if you love him first.
He loves people who have never thought of him. 

Someone told you that God is ticked off, cranky, and vindictive. 
We tend to be ticked off, cranky, and vindictive. 

But God? 
“God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he’s rich in love”
(Psalm 103:8).  

God loves you! 
And because God’s promises are unbreakable our hope is unshakable!

From: Unshakable Hope
Max Lucado


The Father's love is revealed in the Son's.
The Son has been given to us that we might give up fear.
There is no fear in love.
The Father sent the Son that we might have life-life in all its fullness
(see John 10:10).
Is not the Son the Father's unsurpassable sign of love and graciousness?
Did he not come to show us the Father's compassionate care for us?..
The Father is not justice and the Son love.
The Father is justice and love; the Son is love and justice.

Abba is not our enemy.
If we think that, we are wrong.

Abba is not intent on trying and tempting and testing us.
If we think that, we are wrong.

Abba does not prefer and promote suffering and pain.
If we think that, we are wrong.

Jesus brings good news about the Father, not bad news.

Brennan Manning
Reflections for Ragamuffins, page 40


"When [a man] looks at me, he sees the one who sent me."
JOHN 12:45